What is an asset?
An asset
- is anything of value that is owned by or owed to the business
- can be used to earn profits
- is a resource controlled by the business and is beneficial to it (e.g.
cash, stock, bank account, furniture & fittings)
- can be classified according to how quickly the items can be turned into
cash (i.e. their liquidity)
- A current asset
is an asset that is normally expected or intended to be converted
into cash or used up within the accounting period
- A long-term/fixed asset is an asset
that normally takes more than the accounting period to be converted into
cash or to be used up
What is a
A liability
- is anything that the business owes to external parties
- is a claim on the business assets by an outside party (e.g. creditors,
accounts payable)
- A current liability is a liability
that is asked to be repaid by external parties within one accounting period
- A long-term liability is a liability
that external parties are willing to be repaid for more than one accounting
What is owner's
equity or capital?
- refers to the claim on the assets of a business by the owner or the internal
party of the business
- is the difference between the assets and liabilities of a business
- When the owner takes out assets (i.e. cash or office supplies etc) from
the business for his/her own use, this is known as drawings
- Since drawings reduce the owner's claim on the assets of
the business, it can be seen as the opposite of capital or 'negative' capital
Differences between Revenue
& Expenses
Refers to what a business earns as a result of the sale
of goods and/or services |
Refers to the cost of goods and services used to earn revenue |
Increases the capital of the business |
Decreases the capital of the business |
E.g. Thames' tuition agency's revenues would be the tuition fees collected
from students
E.g. G2000 is a multinational fashion retailer that earns its revenues
through the sale of clothes
E.g. Thames' tuition agency will advertise for students.
Hence, the cost of advertising is an expense to the business |
The Accounting Equation
- is built from the accounting entity concept that regards the business
and the owner of the business as two separate persons or entities
- looks at all the transactions from the viewpoint of the business
- is stated as Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity (or Capital)
Effects of Business Transactions
on the Accounting Equation
- Besides the owner bringing in capital to the business, there are many
transactions that would have an effect on the accounting equation
- The example below will show you how various business transactions will
have an effect on Thomas's business - Thomas Delivery Services
- Thomas starts his own business, Thomas Delivery Services, by investing
S$20,000 of his own savings into the business. He opens a bank account in
the name of his business.
From the business' viewpoint, the business (Thomas Delivery
Services) has an asset - a bank account, and the source of that asset
is capital (the owner's claim on the asset)
- The impact on the accounting equation is:
Alan Goh Jiang Wee © 2001-2002