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What is an asset?

An asset

What is a liability?

A liability

What is owner's equity or capital?

Differences between Revenue & Expenses

Refers to what a business earns as a result of the sale of goods and/or services Refers to the cost of goods and services used to earn revenue
Increases the capital of the business Decreases the capital of the business

E.g. Thames' tuition agency's revenues would be the tuition fees collected from students

E.g. G2000 is a multinational fashion retailer that earns its revenues through the sale of clothes

E.g. Thames' tuition agency will advertise for students. Hence, the cost of advertising is an expense to the business

The Accounting Equation

Effects of Business Transactions on the Accounting Equation

  1. Thomas starts his own business, Thomas Delivery Services, by investing S$20,000 of his own savings into the business. He opens a bank account in the name of his business.
  2. From the business' viewpoint, the business (Thomas Delivery Services) has an asset - a bank account, and the source of that asset is capital (the owner's claim on the asset)
  3. The impact on the accounting equation is:

Alan Goh Jiang Wee © 2001-2002